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Don’t Worry! Know [Here] -New Born Baby Care, Within 7 Minutes!!


Don’t Worry! Know [Here] -New Born Baby Care, Within 7 Minutes!!


New Born Baby Care For new moms is very essential.

In -Shinningyou I Will Share You-Knowledge About-New Born -Baby & New Born Baby Care. 

There is nothing like a newborn baby to renew your spirit and to buttress your resolve to make the world a better place.

Virginia Kelley.

1. New Born Baby:

“Welcome, winter.

Your late dawns and chilled breath make me lazy, but I love you nonetheless. “
–Terri Guillemets

Is your baby is coming this winter?

Or having a newborn baby?

Are you worried that the harsh weather will affect your new-born?

And are you wondering about your new-born baby care in winter? …………

Then don’t worry, you are in the right place.

I will share with you some special, useful, practical and authentic tips & tricks in this post.

So, keep patience and carefully read this post and share it with near and dear ones.

“Thank goodness for the first snow, it was a reminder–no matter how old you became and how much you’d seen, things could still be new if you were willing to believe they still mattered.”
–Candace Bushnell

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newborn baby care

During the winter season, your baby needs extra baby care and attention to prevent seasonal illness.

The cold season is known to make New Born baby’s skin dry and that can lead to diaper rash, rough cheeks, flaky skin, and scalp.

So, give your little baby bundle of joy and extra care.

2. Why is Baby Care is Essential?

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newborn baby care

New-born babies require continued care and support until they reach a point where they can sustain themselves in a better way.

But this need for care is increased when winter approaches.

The reduced temperature of the atmosphere triggers various processes within the body to keep itself safe.

And the vital organs functioning well.

Most of the energy is then used to maintain the body temperature appropriately, diverting it from other areas.

This is where the immunity of the body takes a hit as well.

Combined with a decreased immunity, your baby becomes an easy target for diseases.

3.  Essential rules  for newborn baby

3.1. Don’t Stop Breastfeeding:

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newborn baby care

Mother’s milk is known to contain a treasure trove of antibodies and nutrients.

It helps the baby strengthen his own immunity and protect him from the usual diseases.

Continuing to breastfeed during winter makes sure that this support from the mother remains undeterred.

3.2. New Born Baby Massage :

No matter what season your baby has been born in, massaging your child is highly recommended by doctors and caretakers alike.

Don’t hesitate to use natural oils, too.

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newborn baby care

3.3. Follow The Vaccination Schedule:

Make sure your newborn baby does not miss any vaccination as per schedule.

It will help keep your baby safe from the diseases and strike during the winter season.

In case your newborn misses a vaccination, call and check with the doctor about when next he can give the shot to your little one.

3.4. Layer, Layer, Layer:

A couple of layers are good for a baby who’s spending the day inside.

Start with a bodysuit and covered with layers.

If you’re opting for pants and a top, socks under booties will keep those tiny toes toasty.

If you’re opting for a heavy winter coat as well,  tuck your baby into a snowsuit or bunting, or layer on a couple of blankets.

Laying a nice heavy blanket on your baby will keep warm and comfortable.

But that isn’t the safest way for your child.

And the chance of it pulling above his face could result in sudden infant death.

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newborn baby care

Gloves and socks are recommended as well since it is enough to make your child sleep peacefully.

Make your baby wear an adequate amount of clothes in order to protect him from the cold temperature.

Right from cap, socks, warmers, and sweaters, your baby must be completely covered in extreme winters.

But don’t overdo and make the baby uncomfortable.

3.5. Keep the indoor temperature right:

You may be worried about the baby being too cold, but too much indoor heat can also be a problem.

Dress your baby in a sleeper and sleep sack and a  wearable blanket and then it will keep her warm enough.

3.6. Wash Your Hands Frequently:

newborn baby care

Winter is a time of flu and colds.

Make sure you wash your hands regularly or use a hand sanitizer before touching your new-born.

It will prevent you from passing on any germs to your baby.

You should request all visitors to observe this precaution.

3.7. Maintaining Your Own Hygiene:

You are going to be the first point of contact for your child.

Which is why it is absolutely necessary for you to be clean and healthy as a protection for your own baby.

Wash your hands and disinfect them with a sanitizer every time you attend to your child.

Germs can find the smallest way of reaching your kid.

So make sure you stop all paths right away.

Inform any visitors or guests to do the same as well.

3.8. Use a Moisturizer:

Your child’s skin is extremely sensitive.

This harsh atmosphere of the winter does not treat it gently.

Since it is a great natural way to maintain the glow and texture of your baby’s skin.

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newborn baby care cream

You can check with your baby’s doctor for any special recommendations.

You can also go natural technique by massage your baby‘s skin with milk cream and clarified butter or ghee, to keep it soft and supple.

3.9. Sleep Smart:

New-borns generally sleep up to 18-20 hours /day in  the first few weeks.

Unfortunately, it may not be in large chunks!

If it feels like you spend every hour of every day with your breast or a bottle in your baby’s mouth, that’s not unusual


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newborn baby care


With loose bedding like blankets and dressing your baby for sleep is especially important.

Staying on the cool side is better than overdoing it.

Here again, you’ll want to do a few layers.

A bodysuit with footed PJs, and depending on the temperature of the room, asleep sack or a cotton swaddling blanket.

Check your little baby’s neck  not too sweaty.

3.10. Use A Humidifier:

Winter months may require a heater for your newborn baby.

If you are using one, also use a humidifier.

It will maintain the humidity levels in the room.

To prevent your newborn’s skin from losing moisture.

In certain areas, the temperature can plummet quite a bit, making it necessary to use heating systems or portable heaters next to your baby.

In such a scenario, the heating apparatus could rob the room of water vapor, making the air dry as well as your child’s skin.

Install a humidifier in the room as well so that the moisture levels are maintained optimally.

3.11. Prevent dry skin.

Cold temperatures, the lack of humidity, and recirculated air can all contribute to skin problems.

Such as Dry Skin, Itchy Skin, And Skin Rashes.

Use always warm water and don’t baby soak too long.

Keep the water to about 100°F.

When you dry baby off, apply moisturizer as many times daily as you like.

If your baby’s skin turns red or irritated, call the pediatrician.

3.12. Check the Diaper:

The most common reason for Baby’s crying is hunger or wetting.

Not hungry?

Check the diaper.

You found the baby’s diaper is watery.

So, change it immediately.

In winter you can check every 5 hours and use standard company’s diaper otherwise rashes problem may occur.

3.13. Spend some times in the sun:

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newborn baby care

When it’s sunny outside, you must make your baby spend some time in the Sun.

It will help the baby to grow and develop physically.

As you know Sunlight is the source of Vitamin –D.

So, Stay some times and play with your baby.

Take this memorable moment by picking some photographs.

3.14. Touch the Toes:

One way to determine if your baby is warm enough is to feel her toes and belly as soon as you come in from the cold.

You want her toes to be on the cool side.

A cool belly means your baby is not able to warm herself and needs another layer, please increase layer.

3.15. Taking Care Outdoors:

Make sure your baby is protected from head to toe before taking him out.

Make sure that your baby’s toes are a bit on the cooler side and the tummy is on the warmer side.

4. Newborn Baby Images:

Some Newborn Baby Images are as follows-

Newborn Baby Images

Newborn Baby Images

5. Conclusion:

The very act of massaging stimulates the blood flow within the body.

It increases the sense of well-being, which indirectly boosts the immunity within your kid as well.

Maintain a warm atmosphere when massaging your baby then choose an appropriate time.

Breastfeeding your newborn is the best way to boost his immunity.

It will help him keep the cold and infections at bay.

Try to breastfeed your baby for the first six months.

Share all the above tips to others to guide them on how to take care of the newborn baby in winter.

 “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.””
–Edith Sitwell

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newborn baby care

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