Yes! You Can Do -Surya Namaskar in Yoga & Know [Here] Some Benefits-2020

“Surya Namaskar in Yoga”– Yes!
You heard the right thing at the right time and also in the right place and know- “Benefits of Surya Namaskar”.
Surya Namaskar– means -Sun Salutation technique and it is a popular sequence of Yoga Asanas.
1. Surya Namaskar in Yoga-
It is a complete Sadhna or yoga practice in itself with Breathing Control, includes Asana, Pranayama, Mantra & Meditation- techniques.
The concept of Sun Salutation or “Surya Namaskar in Yoga” is not new.
It comes from the ancient era of revering the Sun and is considered the source of every creation on the planet and symbolizes spiritual consciousness.
Sun Salutation Or “Surya Namaskar in Yoga” is a sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses and combination of breathing and exercise.
Besides that, you can call- A great cardiovascular workout.
Surya Namaskar- is also known as the giving positive impact on the body, mind, and soul for purification of your body.
Surya Namaskar in Yoga is best done on an empty stomach and empty stomach.
Sun Salutation technique consists of two sets, and each set is composed of 12 yoga poses.
As a beginner, especially after seeing the different Surya Namaskar pictures in different Books, Magazine, you may think that the sequence is tough.
But actually it is easy and everybody can do this.
Only you have to follow the sequence.
You may question like ‘How many Asana are there in Surya Namaskar?
How to do “Surya Namaskar in yoga”?
This is because there are many variations but I will share your most popular and authentic & most common 12 steps.
2. Surya Namaskar 12 Steps:
As a beginner, especially after seeing the different Surya Namaskar Steps in pictures in different Books, Magazine, you may think that the sequence is tough.
- Pranamasana or Anjali Mudra / Prayer Pose
- Hastauttanasana or Upward Salute / (Raised arms pose)
- Hastapadasana or Utthanasana / (Standing forward bend)
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana /(Equestrian pose)
- Dandasana or Phalakasana /(Stick pose)
- Ashtanga Namaskara /Salute With Eight Limbs or Knee Chest and Chin
- Bhujangasana / Cobra Pose
- Mukha Svanasana /(Downward facing dog pose)
- Ashwa Sanchalanasana /(Equestrian pose)
- Padahastanasana / Standing forward bend)
- Utthana Hasthasana / Upward Salute
- Pranamasana or Anjali Mudra / Prayer Pose

Anjali Mudra
Step 1: Pranamasana or Anjali Mudra / Prayer Pose-
First of all, stand at the edge of your mat and keep your feet together, then balance your weight equally on both of your feet.
Expand your chest and relax your shoulders and breathe in.
Then lift both arms up from both sides.
By exhaling, bring your palms together in front of the chest in the prayer position. This is called Anjali Mudra also.
Anyone can practice it.
It helps you to concentrate the mind and body which helps to reduce anxiety and stress.
Step 2: Hastauttanasana or Upward Salute / (Raised arms pose) –
This is the second Surya Namaskar pose, first breath in and lift the arms up and back by keeping the biceps close to the ears.
In this pose, the effort is to stretch the whole body up from the heels to the tips of the fingers and get relaxed.
Your hands can be adjusted to stay either in Namaskar mudra or shoulder-width apart.
As you stay here, check your weight remains centered and feet are rooted in the mat.
- You can do it for a few seconds and take a few breaths. You can notice the space around your heart increases and giving you more space to breathe.
Step 3: Hastapadasana or Utthanasana / (Standing forward bend)-
First breathing out and bend forward from the waist keeping the spine erect.
As a result, you can exhale completely and bring the hands down to the floor beside the feet.
Then continue to bend forward from your hip, and your sit bones pointing to the ceiling.
It is okay to keep both of your knees gently bent.
Keep your neck and shoulder relaxed and check your spine does not curve, maintain it.
It helps relieve anxiety, stress, headache and improve the digestion system.
Step 4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana /(Equestrian pose)-
Now-breath in and push your right leg back, as far back as possible then bring the right knee to the floor and look up and straight.
Your weight has to be evenly distributed. Avoid leaning to the front or back.
By doing this regularly- strengthens quadriceps and the entire lower body and improves hip flexibility.
Step 5. Dandasana or Phalakasana /(Stick pose)-
First, you have to breathe in and take the left leg back and bring the whole body in a straight line.
Exhale and then step your left leg back to form a plank pose.
See your shoulders and elbows and also wrists are stacked to the floor.
Draw your shoulder blades in towards each other and then spread them, widening your collar bones.
Then relaxed, and Spread your fingers wide with middle finger facing the front of the mat.
Then Roll and press your toes into the mat by avoiding tighten your knees.
Note: It strengthens arms, wrists, and shoulders and builds core strength and endurance.
Step 6. Ashtanga Namaskara /Salute With Eight Limbs or Knee Chest and Chin-
By exhaling bring your knees down to the floor.
Then shift the hips back slightly, slide forward. Keep your chest and chin in the rest position on the floor.
Raise your posterior a little bit of change. Remember that the two hands, two feet, two knees, chest, and chin- should touch the floor.
Step 7. Bhujangasana/ (Cobra pose)-
Slide forward and raise the chest up into the Cobra pose and your elbows bent in this pose with the shoulders away from the ears.
Look up and straight. Now inhale, lift the chest and head to get into a backbend.
Keep your neck relaxed and roll the shoulders to back position.
The body below the navel remains pressed down into the mat for few seconds.
It strengthens the entire back and shoulders.
Furthermore, it relieves the symptoms of fatigue, menstrual cycle, backache, and sciatica.
.It will expands the chest and shoulders.
Step 8. Mukha Svanasana /(Downward facing dog pose)
After breathing out then lift the hips and the tailbone up to bring the body into an inverted ‘V’ pose.
Slowly drop your head and then try to look towards your navel.
Your weight should be equally distributed on hands and feet and keep your neck should be relaxed.
By doing this -increase height, stretches lower body parts and strengthens arms, shoulders, and back.
It improves blood circulation, calms the nerves and it relieves stress also.
Step 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana /(Equestrian pose)-
Start breathing in and bring the right foot forward in between the two hands.
The left knee goes down on the floor and presses the hips down and lookup.
Do, just like Downward Facing Dog, inhale and bring your right foot forward, in between your palms.
In this position, you make a gentle effort to push the hips down towards the floor, to deepen the stretch and do for a few seconds.
Step 10. Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)
After breathing out, take the left foot and keep the palms on the floor.
You may bend the knees, when necessary.
Step 11. Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)
Breathing in and then roll the spine up.
Raise your hands up and bend backward a little bit by pushing the hips slightly outward.
Utthana Hasthasana is the 11th pose in Surya Namaskar.
Push your hips forward and try to lengthen your spine further by stretching back as per yourself.
Your hands can be adjusted to stay in Namaskar mudra
Step-12: Pranamasana or Anjali Mudra / Prayer Pose-
It is the 12 the pose.
It signifies the gesture of reverence and It helps center the mind and body and helps reduce anxiety.
Exhale and bring your hands in front of the chest for set Namaskar or Anjali mudra.
Feet are together or hip-width apart, continue to equally distribute weight on all four corners of your feet.
Now align the center of your head to the pelvis, and give gentle pressure on fingertips to set your palm accordingly.
After complete 1 cycle, repeat the above sequence by taking your left leg back in the first equestrian pose and then bring your left leg forward for the second round.
The ideal time to practice Surya Namaskar is at sunrise time. However, you can practice at any time of the day/before sunset, on an empty stomach.
3. Surya Namaskar with Mantra:
Surya Mantra has 12 names that are chanted in praise to the Sun God and Pray to him for harmony between your physical cycles and that of the Sun’s.
Breathing control as per Surya Namaskar Steps and chanting in the respective posture helps create more awareness and prays to God Sun.
1. Om Mitraya Namaha – Who is friendly to all
2.Om Ravaye Namaha – The shining and knowledgeable one.
3.Om Suryaya Namaha – Who is the dispeller of darkness and also responsible for bringing activity.
4.Om Bhanave Namaha – One who is Illuminates and bestows beauty.
5.Om Khagaya Namaha – Stimulator of all senses who moves quickly in the sky.
6.Om Pushne Namaha – Giver of nourishment and fulfillment
7.Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha – Creator for all with the golden womb, the cosmic self.
8.Om Marichaye Namaha – Lord of dawn and destroyer of all diseases.
9.Om Adityaya Namaha – Son of the cosmic mother Aditi who inspires all.
10.Om Savitre Namaha – Lord of creation, the only one who purifies.
11.Om Arkaya Namaha – Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination
12. Om Bhaskaraya Namaha – Illuminates and leads us to enlightenment wisdom.
Research shows that 1 minute of a sun salutation or Surya Namaskar can help you burn at least 3.79 calories.
It is no doubt that one of the most flexible and easiest yoga practice and you can modify it to suit your preferences.
4. Benefits Of Surya Namaskar:
Practicing this sequence has innumerable benefits, and I will Share you most common benefits-

4.1. Better Blood Circulation In The Body-
Throughout the sequence, you inhale and you exhale, which means your lungs undergo constant ventilation process.
Your blood remains fresh and gets oxygenated. This practice helps to remove all toxins materials from your body.
4.2. Useful For Weight Loss-
When these asanas are completed at a fast pace, it becomes a cardio routine.
Therefore, it helps you to lose weight and also tones your abs and arms. Your spine becomes extremely flexible and energetic. It also strengthens your skeletal system very nicely.
4.3. Facilitates for A Regular Menstrual Cycle-
If you have an irregular menstrual cycle problem, then this routine will balance out and regulate your periods certainly.
If practiced regularly, it also ensures ease in childbirth and enhances your energy.
4.4. Your Skin and Hair will be better-
This sequence keeps you healthy and youthful, your skin will be toned, no matter your age.
It can glow your skin.
5. Conclusion:
Do Surya Namaskar everyday morning for 15 minutes only and see the magic.
For body fitness purpose no need to spend money, no need to use heavy dumble, no need to go somewhere.
You can do your own house and spend only 15 minutes on your life making a beautiful and long life.
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