Supercharge Yourself [With]- Weight Gain By Yoga-2020

Weight gain by yoga-those who think yoga is simply meditation and has nothing to do with weight management?
Of course, they are not on the right path.
Are you in for a pleasant surprise?
The benefits of yoga are manifold and weight gain or weight loss is just the tip of the iceberg.
Yoga, like any other physically demanding exercise.
It is like swimming or weight-lifting and can normalize your body to bring it to its optimum weight.
However, a good diet is necessary to get the necessary fuel.
1.Weight Gain by Yoga:

More specifically, there are some asanas available which aid slim people to get benefit from Weight Gain Yoga and look healthier.
Condition of doing Yoga is-
Yoga should be performed-
- in loose clothes,
- on a mat
- and on an empty stomach.
Ideally, before breakfast or in the evening at least 2 to 3 hours after lunch is better.
I am sharing some special yoga for weight gain-

1.1.Surya Namaskar or the sun salute:

This classic routine incorporates many poses from yoga into a few minutes long work out.
If you do 2 times Surya Namaskars a day then your whole body gets a workout.
It works especially for shoulders chest and on breathing.
There is a total of 12 positions.
Spend 10 seconds on each position.
Start standing with hands folded in a Namaskar Mudra.
- Reach up to the ceiling as far as you can go and then proceed to go down.
- Touch your feet and assume a runner’s starting position by pushing your left leg far behind with knee bent position.
- Now push your buttock up and form an arch position with your body.
- Bring only your back down and check your stomach nearly touches the floor.
- Then raise your head to the ceiling.
- Raise your buttock back again and then resume the runner’s position.
- Bring both legs together and stand up but leave your hands by touching your feet.
- Raise your hands towards the ceiling and resume the original Namaskar Mudra.
I will give some images for this Surya Namaskar which will help you to understand better.
Then next come to Sarvangasana-
1.2. Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand position-

Another great pose that helps you gain weight even faster.
- Start by lying flat on a mat and at the same time raise your legs up to a 45 degree.
- Your hands should remain outstretched until your legs are in the air.
- Now lift your arms and support your back with the fingers, do it slowly.
- Keep the thumbs on your rib cage and fingers as close to the shoulder blades as close as possible.
- It takes time to practice a pose to perfection.
- So do not expect to perform the perfect asana the first few times.
- Now straighten up your legs and point your feet to the ceiling as you straighten up your spine with your both hands.
- Try to keep your elbows in a straight line as much as you can.
- Hold for about 10 seconds and return to the starting position slowly.
1.3.Bhujangasana or the cobra pose:

Another wonderful pose that will help you involves stretching out the back and limbs.
- Lie face down on the floor.
- Slowly keep your hands outstretched ahead of your head.
- Bring your arms to your sides as you raise your torso off the ground slowly.
- Support yourself on your palms and facing down then keep your legs together.
- Raise your chin to reach the ceiling.
- And hold for a few seconds before slowly reverting to the original state.
1.4.Shavasana or the corpse pose:

It is perhaps the easiest and most relaxing pose that will make you Weight Gain faster- is this one.
So, do it on a regular basis.
Now start-
- Lie down flat with your legs in a straightway.
- Keep your hands to both sides touches the floor.
- One by one let go by relaxing each body part at a time and breathing will be normal.
- Start with your head and end on your toes slowly and step by step.
- If you feel sleepy then play light music.
Please do all these Asanas on a regular basis. You can get quick results.
In this case, no money will spend, no tuff exercise to be done.
Only thing is that regularity to be maintained.

The application of yoga as a therapeutic intervention started in the twentieth century.
These Asanas take advantage of the various psychophysiological benefits of regular practices.
The asanas may increase patient’s physical flexibility, mental coordination, and strength,
While the breathing practices and meditation may calm the body and focus the mind to develop greater awareness and diminish anxiety.
Yoga can have a positive effect on people trying to weight gain.
Thus, combined with the other so many benefits, it means that including yoga in your weekly routine could be a great choice for weight gain.
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