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Know [All] About Single Parenting & it’s Positive Effects-2020


Know [All] About Single Parenting & it’s Positive Effects-2020


Single parenting is one of the main problems in our society.

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Know here about single parenting & it’s positive effects.

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And may feel that something is wrong when it can not control.

Single parent families deal with many other pressures and potential problem areas that the nuclear family does not have to face so much.


1. Single Parenting:


Today we see all sorts of single-parent families.

Family is headed by mothers, headed by fathers, headed by a grandparent raising their grandchildren.

Life in a single-parent household — though common — can be quite stressful for the adult and the children also.

And may feel that something is wrong when it can not control.

Single parent families deal with many other pressures and potential problem areas that the nuclear family does not have to face so much.

2. Frequent Single Parent Challenges :

  • Negotiating custody and visitation.
  • Obtaining health care.
  • Finding additional role models.
  • Helping children deal with the loss.
  • Helping children cope with parental conflict.
  • Navigating financial issues.

 3. Single Parenting – What Is It All About?

The reasons for this can vary and they may have been in a relationship that they left.

Or their partner might have passed away or been summoned to an active job.

There is a phrase that says “it takes a village to raise a child,” which is quite accurate.

Then, the child used to be nurtured by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other close families.

With time and modernization, the ‘village’ shrank, and it still continues to disappear.

Human beings have evolved so that the community raises them.

All of these challenges can be conquered with the right mindset, plan, and support network.

Let’s take a look at some winning strategies for the single parenting.-

4. Single Parenting Problems:

Single Parenting
Single Parenting

You might have just become a divorcee, a widow or separated from your “better half” for some personal reason.

And in any case, but the problems you face are not going to vanish magically.

You might or might not face the following issues:

  • It will be hard to maintain discipline in the home as a single parent will be the only disciplinarian.
  • Which can give rise to behavioral problems in children?
  • Making new relationships are difficult especially when your little one is jealous or suspicious about that.
  • The support that it makes difficult for the child to leave the house also.
  • The various responsibilities of child-raising, housework, and earning, will not give the parent enough time for themselves.
  • It moreover results in adding stress, fatigue, and pressure.
  • The income is small which may give less access to child health care.

Let us understand the positive and negative effects of single parenting also.

5. Cause of Single Parenting:

Improvements in sanitation and maternal care have decreased mortality for those of reproductive age.

The increase of single-parent families causes an increase in psychosocial problems and illness associated with stress.

Divorceseparation, and lone parenting have now surpassed death as the main cause of single-parent families.

And is one of the fastest-growing family situations in the United States.

6. Best 7 Positive Effects Of Single Parenting:

Most times, the negative effects of single-parent households are quite common.

Economic troubles and abandonment related trust issues are also positive effects on raising a child.

 6.1. Give Challenge For Future Life:


Children will feel secure about their ability to negotiate the challenges of future life and can do anything.

  • Let your children balance their needs with the needs of the family.
  • Teach them to consider other’s needs as well.

6.2. Build Children As strong Community:

It works with single-parent families as well and children who have single parents will also have many supporters.

It may include single parent support groups.

  • Join sole parent support groups and Involve yourself in your child’s academics.

6.3. Share Responsibility And Better Understanding:

Let your children recognize the efforts they put in

Praise them for doing the house chores.

6.4. Improve Parent-Child Bonding:

Spending one-on-one time with your little one creates a unique bond.

It goes in the case of custodial parents.

And also non-custodial parents who play a significant role in their child’s lives.

  • If you think your bond is not strong then try to work on it strongly.
  • Your child’s connection with you will not end, and it continues to grow and evolve even after they turn 18.

6.5. Improve Maturity of Child:

Children will find their parents working hard.

It will force them to collaborate and work along with their parents.

Additionally, the children will also learn to manage their disappointments in life too.

  • If you find your child is disappointed and respond with support, empathy, and encouragement.
  • These experiences will help children become empathetic and then caring adults.
  • You may not prevent them from feeling disappointed or sad all the time but manage their emotions.

6.6. Lack Of Parental Conflicts:

If there are no arguments or conflicts, the child will feel more secure in her living environment.

6.7. Sharing and caring:

Single Parenting

Everything can be shared, it may be a struggle, happiness, enjoyment or taking a decision.

Then we can find strong decision power and strong will power and care about everything.

7. When to get help:

They need to get help from the child’s school, social service agencies, and mental health professionals.

They provide social, emotional, financial, and legal support for single-parent families.


The society also helps to Single parent.

Colleagues, neighbors, and friends can share their practical experience with single parents.

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